You  are heartly welcome to the best possible golf lessons….
The first class starts with an interview, so that we get an understaning of which goals you have set for your training. Afterwards we make a plan together to see what we can do to help you reach your goals.  The plan is driven by the effort you wish to invest in it and how much you plan to practice.

Price list

Golf-lesson (1-2 persons) Balls are included during these lessons

30 min: kr 445
60 min: kr 795
3 * 60min: kr 1895
5 * 60min: kr 2995
9 * 60min: kr 4995

Groups 3-4 persons, balls included:

3-4 persons: NOK 280:- per person per hour
5-6 persons: NOK 230:- per person per hour
7-10 persons: NOK 175:- per person per hour

You form the groups yourselves. This could be a group of friends  or company colleagues. Send an sms or an e-mail with desired time-frame for the lessons to Ulf Krüger: 458 61 552  /