Do you think golf looks fascinating or are you just curious to know what golf is all about? Sign up for one of our «The Road to Golf»-courses.  To be able to play in Norway, you must have attended a beginners’s course and aquired certain skills described in a set plan.  In our «Road to Golf»-courses you will learn everything you need to enjoy golf.  This includes an introduction to the game and its rules, plus practice of strokes and stroke techniques.  After completion of the course and enrolment in the club, you will receive a Golfcard. This implies that you have the right to play on most courses in Norway.

The Road to Golf introduction course

This course, with PGA-pro Ulf Krüger, is offered every last weekend of the month. A minimum of six participants is required.  The course lasts for two days, from Saturday until Sunday and the price is NOK 1.495:-  This includes hiring of clubs and two rounds on the course.  There is an extra cost of NOK 240:- for printed course material. Sign-up with Ulf Krüger, tel: 458 61 552

Course program

Our «Road to Golf».courses are set up as follows:
Saturday and Sunday:

10-12 Instruction  on the range

12-13 Lunch with questions

13-15 Instruction on the range

15-15:30 Snack break with questions

15:30-18:00 Instruction on the course