Opening hours

Monday and Wednesday
14 - 19
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
10 - 18
Saturday and Sunday
09 - 16

Food and drink

We serve Spanish-inspired tapas, adapted to Nordic palates.  There are six different hot tapas dishes on the menu. Price for 3 tapas: NOK 98:-

Grill plate
We have tasty chops and sausages on the grill, garnished with green salad and potato salad.  This dish is served throughout the summer, but must be ordered in advance.  Contact us before your round of golf, so that you can enjoy the food on the terrace after playing.  Price: NOK 225:-

Entecôte plate
We can also offer you and your guests a plate of entrecôte. Our grilled entrcôte . must be ordered in advance.  It is served with a fresh green salad and potato-salad. Contact us befor playing and we will prepare everything for you.  Price: NOK 295:-

Waffles, sausages, baguettes and toast
Our kitchen is always ready to serve freshly made waffles and Frankfurter sausages. In addition to this we servehot ham-and cheese toast or baguettes with ham and cheese, plus a fresh salad.  (See pice list on menu below)

Beer, wine, soft drinks and coffee
We are fully licensed, so that you and your guests can enjoy our cuisine, enjoying a glass of beer or wine.  We also have a large selection of soft drinks and in addition, of course, always freshly brewed coffee. (See price list on menu below)

Our menus