When signing up for a tee-off time you commit yourself to pay the green-fee. If you do not turn up for the agreed tee-off, you will have to pay the full green-fee.


Monday - thursday
9 holes - NOK 400
Monday - thursday
18 holes - NOK 500
Friday - sunday
9 holes - NOK 400
Friday - sunday
18 holes - NOK 600
Evening golf from 18:00 hrs
NOK 300,-.

You have to cancel your booked tee-off time in Golfbox, if necessary, or by contacting the proshop.  Last deadline for cancelling is 15 min. before booked time.

All players must bring their own golf-bag with own clubs.  More players can not share a set of clubs during the round.
If you want to play more than 18 holes, this can be arranged after you have completed the first 18. If you want to play more than 18 holes before the first round, this has to be paid in advance.

You have to show up at least 10 minutes before tee-off time.

Discounts on green-fees only apply for rounds of 18 holes.

Juniors pay half of the greenfee.

Yearly subscription adults:  NOK 4.300:-

Yearly subscription youth:   NOK 1.100:-

All new members pay half price for a right to play the first year. 
Members who recruit a new member with full right to play, receive a giftcard of NOK 2.000:- in the proshop.

Greenfee must be paid, before you enter the course. Greenfees are sold in the proshop. If you wish to playe outside of the proshop’s opening hours, payment and registry can be done in the clubhouse. There you find a bank terminal. All rounds must be registered in Golfbox by pulling your golfcard through the card-reader in the hallway or in the proshop, before you start playing. If you are not used to the new solutions presented by NGF, you find detailed instructions on how to do this in the clubhouse.

If you play the course without paying or being registered, this will be punished with a fine of 2 x greefee.  If you play without without a valid right to play during the season, you accept a membership in Valdres Golf Club, at the price of
NOK 1.100:-

Hiring of Equipment

Golf car: NOK 300,-
To order a car, please call  613 61 180 or 970 06 880.  The club has 10 rental cars.

Trolley: NOK 40,-

Clubs: NOK 250,- per set